Advertise HR jobs

Submitting your job advert for publication

Please send your advertising copy by email to

No 'account' is required. We will take care of publishing your ad and send you an invoice by email. Payment is not required before your ad is published. Cost is AUD$180 +GST (we will invoice you after publication).

By default job ads remain on our site for one calendar month. If your advert mentions a closing date/time we will set it to expire at that date/time.

We also have an Advertising Guarantee

Advert check list; 

  1. Have you included  the job title?

  2. Have you mentioned where the position is located geographically ? (if it's not in the body of the advert, please let us know);

  3. Have you stated how people should apply and/or to whom they can make enquiries?

  4. Have you included your company name, address and web site URL?  - not a requirement but we recommend it (all web site URLs in Jobs in HR are live links)

  5. Please let us know if you have any special invoicing requirements. We send invoices by email only; usually to the person who placed the advertisement.

  6. NB  If your advertisement does not include the salary range, please let us know what it is. We won't publish the salary if it is not mentioned in the advert, however we have some senior subscribers who only receive jobs above certain thresholds. We need to tag the job in our system so it automatically goes to these people.

Advert Size
There is no limit to the number of words allowed in an advertisement, but we recommend keeping to less than 300 words.

Ad copy format
We prefer ads to be supplied in Microsoft Word format, but can accept most electronic formats. Just send it through and we will let you know if there is a problem. Alternatively, you can provide us with a link to the job advert on your own web site and we can copy the content from there.

We can include your logo in your advertisements at no extra cost. Simply include a good quality logo image when supplying your ad copy, or we can copy it from your web site if you wish.

Is my ad suitable for Jobs in HR?
Our goal is to provide our audience with quality, individual HR job ads. If your ad is anything other than this we suggest you check our Advertising Rules

Material Deadline
You can send ad copy to us at any time. We publish adverts to our web site throughout the week (Mon - Fri), and all of our email updates and news feeds are driven from the web site.

We publish both daily and weekly email bulletins containing all new jobs for the preceding period (day or week). Our subscriber base is split roughly 50:50 between the daily and weekly bulletins.

Advertising Rates

AUD$180 + GST
  for each casual advertisement.

Value Packs

Savings for customers who will place 5 or more advertisements in a 12 month period. More info

We will invoice you by email after publication of your advert. Please let us know if you have any special requirements regarding invoicing.

Our invoice contains a link to pay by Visa, MasterCard or Amex and our bank details if you wish to pay by EFT.


Guaranteed To Increase Your Reach

Jobs in HR is guaranteed to increase the reach of your advertising campaign, presenting your employment opportunity to a targeted audience of thousands of HR people, many of whom you would not reach through traditional print media and 'job boards'.

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